What We Believe
We believe that there is one true Almighty God, who is the author of the Bible, which is the owner's manual for life.
God created human beings to be in relationship with Him and have authority over the earth. Man's disobedience broke the relationship with God, and contaminated man’s control of the earth with sin and evil.
Because God loved the world so much, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to restore the broken relationship and recover the authority that had been lost. Jesus is not just the Son of God miraculously conceived and born of a virgin, He is God come to us as a human (Emanuel).
Jesus paid the penalty for our disobedience by dying on the cross as our sin-substitute. He was buried in a grave, but was resurrected three days later with victory over sin and the powers of darkness.
Now, Jesus is no longer the only Son – He is now the first Son, because we can become children of God, too. A person becomes a child of God by having faith in Jesus Christ, repenting, or turning away from a sinful life, and by being spiritually re-born!
When we are re-born, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us to give us the power to live an authentic, victorious and prosperous Christian life. The Holy Spirit also gives us spiritual gifts to continue the ministry that Jesus started – that of restoring relationship between God and man.
The Bible teaches us that as believers together we make up the Body of Christ, with Jesus being the Head of the Body – the Church. The presence and power that was experienced when Jesus Christ walked the earth is now to be experienced in the earth today through His new Body, the Church!
Connecting to a local church is important to strengthening relationship with God, building relationship with one another, and sharing His abundant grace with those who are not yet in relationship with Him. We let them know that God is not holding anything against them!
We believe that one day Jesus will come back to take His believers to live with Him in eternal peace and joy, and He shall reign forever and ever, and we shall reign with Him!