A Prayer Response Plan to COVID-19, followed by an Affirmation


Lord, we confess that we have trusted in horses and chariots that are powerless; leaving us uncertain, even afraid, not knowing what to do.  (Is 31:1)  

So, we repent and turn to You. You have assured us that if we humble ourselves and pray that you will hear our prayer, and heal our land. (2 Chron 7:14). 

Lord, help us to fix our eyes on You.  Help us to stand firm on Your Word. These times can be terrifying, so gird us with the shield of faith, so that we will not fear the terror of the night, nor dread the disease that stalks in darkness. (Ps 51:5-6)

Lord, you are my defense and my refuge. (Ps 94:22)  I thank You that some battles I will not have to fight, because You will fight them for me. (2 Chron 20:15)

Lord, stop this virus and its spread.  Cause my body and immune system to function according to Your design, so that this virus cannot attach itself to me. 

Keep my family and loved ones under your care and protection.  Guard our fellow members who still have to interact with the public. 

Lord, bless our finances, that we will not lack any good thing.  Also, bless the finances of Abundant Grace, that our church will not experience any lack or loss.

Bless the doctors, nurses, and all medical professionals who care for and work to heal those affected by this virus.  Be with them as they put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.  Give wisdom and revelation knowledge for a vaccine to the researchers and scientist.

In everything we give thanks and in everything You be glorified.

In Jesus’ mighty name I pray.


I am Abundant Grace.

Because of who I am, I am empowered with the presence of God in my life.  

I am blessed and highly favored (Rom 5:17). 

His favor covers me like a shield (Ps 5:12), protecting me (Ps 3:3) so, no weapon or virus formed against me can prosper (Is 54:17). 

Because He is my dwelling place, no evil will come upon me and no plague shall come near me (Ps 91:9-10).

He orders His angels to protect me (Ps 91:11).

Because of His grace, I walk in wholeness, health and healing (Jer 33:6). 

He keeps my heart and mind in His peace that surpasses understanding (Phil 4:7).